Dr. Off/License to Dress Transcript (2024)

This is the episode transcript of Dr. Off/License to Dress.

Dr. Off[]

{The episode starts with Oso and Pooh with his team in their cars while Dottie comes up to them}

Voice: Dr. Off

Eeyore: Hmm, another exercise to do with a car, huh?

Misty: I wonder what exercise Dottie is gonna give us this time.

Dottie: Listen up, everyone. Today you'll all find the hidden tunnel that runs under the city's streets.

Brock: That sounds interesting.

Rabbit: {Sarcastically} Yeah, unlike some people who bump me in water.

Ash Ketchum: {Pretends to be angry} What was that?

Rabbit: Nothing.

Oso: Sounds great, Agent Dottie.

{Dottie gives each of them a remote}

Dottie: These remotes open the door to the hidden tunnel.

Pooh: What else do they do, Dottie?

Dottie: The remotes in your cars will open the tunnel door too.

Misty: Togepi and I wanted to know how we have to get to the hidden tunnel door.

Dottie: To get there, just follow me and Wolfie. Be sure to obey all traffic lights. Stop on red and go on green.

Piglet: Is there just one last thing before we start this exercise, Dottie?

Dottie: There is, Piglet. Make sure you all hold up the remotes and point them to open the tunnel door.

Pooh: You can count on us, Dottie.

{Dottie and Wolfie started their motorcycle engines and were off}

Tigger: Now, let's follow them.

{They started their car engines and followed Wolfie and Dottie}

{The traffic lights turn red after Wolfie and Dottie went passed the traffic lights when they were green}

Brock: Guys, I kinda forgot on what to do if the light goes red.

Ash Ketchum: Same to when the light goes green too.

Pooh: {Looks at the viewers} We need your help on this one. If the light goes red, should we stop or go?

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Stop. Thanks.

{Oso, Pooh, and his team manage to stop their cars at the light}

Rabbit: Come on, you light! Blink already!

Ash Ketchum: {Pretends to be angry} Stop it, Rabbit!

Tigger: {Pretends to be angry} Yeah, Bruno's.

{The light turns green}

Pooh: {Looks at the viewers} And if the light is green, do we stop or go?

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Go. Thanks.

Tigger: This way!

Oso: Wait a minute. We have to decide which 2 members of Pooh's team is going to find the kid.

Rabbit: Well, I think I want to do this. So-

Ash Ketchum: Me and Pooh will find the kid, Oso.

Oso: Okay, guys. Here's the paper.

{As Oso gives Ash Ketchum and Pooh the paper, Rabbit was glaring at them}

Rabbit: {Thinking} Seriously, why doesn't anyone pay attention to me? I'm still gonna try my hardest.

Ash Ketchum: Good luck, guys. And, Tigger, can you please watch over Rabbit for me? You can even do the whole "Pretending to be angry" thing.

Tigger: Sure thing, positively.

{As Oso and the others drive the cars to follow Wolfie and Dottie, Pooh and Ash Ketchum pressed their teleportation buttons and were off to find the kid}

{Pooh and Ash Ketchum got teleported to a house}

Pooh: Let's see what this paper says.

Ash Ketchum: It says that we have to find a girl named Addison. She's got brown hair with a hair bun, blue eyes, an orange dress, orange shorts, and yellow shoes.

{Pooh and Ash Ketchum hear someone laughing}

Pooh: That sounded kinda like her.

{They see Addison with her family}

Addison: I can't wait for family game night to start.

Pooh and Ash Ketchum: Family Game Night?

Ash Ketchum: That sounds like fun.

Addison's dad: Me too, Addison. It'll be fun.

{Pooh and Ash Ketchum also see Addison's brother}

Addison's mom: Austin, don't forget to turn off the TV when you're done. We'd like the whole family to get in the habit of turning off things when they're not being used.

Addison's dad: That way we don't waste power and water.

Addison: That sounds important. I wanna help too.

Addison's dad: Okay, Addison. Oh, but don't forget, game night will start soon.

{As Pooh and Ash Ketchum watch Addison, they were thinking}

Pooh: Hmm, there are a lot of things that people turn off what they're not using. Like a TV, a radio, and there are lots of ways to save electricity. Like solar power, wind power, and even hydro power.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I mean I hope they don't waste too much.

Addison: Wait. I don't know how to save water and power.

Ash Ketchum: Whoa. She really needs help.

{Ash Ketchum and Pooh press the button on the back of the paper and summoned Shutterbug as it aimed at Addison}

Pooh and Ash Ketchum: Do your thing, Shutterbug!

{Shutterbug sends the message to the satellite which then sends the signal to where Oso and the others are}

{Meanwhile, back at the exercise, everyone followed Wolfie and Dottie}

Tigger: Keep it up, guys! We're doing great! {Pretends to be angry} That means you too, Rabbit!

Eeyore: I can see Wolfie and Dottie up ahead.

Piglet: I guess nothing is gonna go wrong.

{Dottie presses her remote and the hidden tunnel is revealed}

Oso: And there's the hidden tunnel.

Rabbit: {Sarcastically} Wait, guys. I think she's making us get lost. Let's go back and wait for them.

Tigger: {Pretends to be angry} Oh no, Rabbit! No we don't!

Brock: {Pretends to be angry} Yeah, you're always wrong! If you think that, we should all do the opposite!

Rabbit: {Sarcastically} Fine, I just wish I would let you guys live!

Brock: {Pretends to be angry} We're gonna follow them!

Rabbit: {Shouts} You don't tell me!

{Eeyore passes Brock, Tigger, and Rabbit arguing}

Eeyore: Well, I know that Dottie told us to do something with the remotes to open the tunnel, I'm not sure what.

{The hidden tunnel door closed shut}

Oso: To open the hidden door, we just press the button on our remotes.

{Oso tries, but no avail and same goes to Pooh's team}

Oso: Ugh! It's not working.

Pikachu: Pika, pika! {We're not gonna make it!}

Tigger: Oh no!

Misty: Guys, maybe we should-

{Misty was about to use her remote to point to the tunnel, until they passed it}

Paw Pilot: Special Alert! Special Alert!

Oso and Pooh's team: Uh oh!

Misty: Whoa, whoa!

Brock: I'm gonna be sick!

Tigger: This is actually fun! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

{They go down a swirly curvy path until they stopped}

Misty: That wasn't suppose to happen.

Oso: It's all part of the plan.

Brock: More or less.

Tigger: {Pretends to be angry} Ugh, Rabbit, what is your problem?!

Rabbit: Um...

Tigger: {Pretends to be angry} Do you know who does great techniques on finding a hidden door? More-focused special agents!

Rabbit: Yelling at me isn't helping me.

Brock: {Pretends to be angry} Rabbit, it's like a Botch or Watch. We're not allowed to help you.

Misty: {Whispers} Good going, Tigger and Brock. Rabbit's starting to get the picture.

Mr Dos: Special Agent Oso, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Pikachu, Brock, Togepi, Misty. Mr Dos here. It could be lights out.

Pooh: {On speaker} Let's just say this assignment will let you guys not waste anything.

Ash Ketchum: {On speaker} This assignment is on saving energy.

Mr Dos: They're right. Addison wants to help her family keep from wasting water and power, but she doesn't know what to do. Your special assignment - Help Addison turn things off when they're not being used.

Oso: Sounds like a plan.

Eeyore: {Looks at the viewers} But I think we need your help. Will you help us with this special assignment?

Brock: {Looks at the viewers} Swell!

Misty: Paw Pilot, what special steps do we need for this assignment?

{Three Special Steps song plays}

Paw Pilot: Three special steps, that's all you need. Three special steps, and you'll succeed. Your special assignment is starting now, and three special steps will show you how.

Backup singers: Step One!

Paw Pilot: Turn off lights in empty rooms.

Backup singers: Step Two!

Paw Pilot: Turn off faucets not being used.

Backup singers: Step Three!

Paw Pilot: Turn off TVs that aren't being watched. Three special steps, so now you'll know. Three special steps, and you're ready to go. The checklist has all the steps you need, just follow them all and you will succeed with three special steps.

{Three Special Steps song ends}

Ash Ketchum: {On speaker} Hurry, everyone. It's almost time for Family Game Night.

Oso: Now to get to Addison's house, fast.

Rapide: Did someone say fast?

Oso and Pooh's team: Rapide.

{Rapide sees Oso and Pooh's team}

Rapide: I like to say vite, vite. It is similar, only French. Ha-ha. Woo-woo!

{They all wave at him as their cars and themselves get inside Rapide}

Brock: What's the codename for this assignment, Paw Pilot?

Paw Pilot: Codename: Dr. Off

{Dr. Off song plays}

Backup singers: Dr. Off!

Paw Pilot: Lights don't need to be on if you need them to see.

Backup singers: Turn them off.

Paw Pilot: Turn off water faucets, game consoles, and your TV.

Backup singers: Turn 'em off, turn 'em off.

Paw Pilot: Save water and power, be the hero of the hour with your codename - Dr. Off. Dr. Off.

{Dr. Off song ends}

Brock: Wow, this codename has backup singers,

Misty: The song made me feel like it took place with a lot of city lights, hence that lights have to be turned off.

Oso: Thanks, Paw Pilot.

Tigger: Special Assignment, Dr. Off.

Oso and Tigger: Accepted!

{Everyone got out of Rapide and were still in their cars and they honked their horns}

{Everyone stopped their cars and went to Addison's house}

Misty: There's Addison's house.

{Oso tries to knock on the door, but goes under the little door}

Addison: Special Agent Oso.

{Oso gets out of the little door and lands on the floor}

Addison: Am I glad to see you.

Oso: Hi, Addison.

{Pooh's team went inside the usual way}

Eeyore: You know, Oso. You should always try opening the big door.

Pooh: {Comes in with Ash Ketchum} Hey, Addison. What's up?

Addison: Who are all of you guys?

Pooh: Well this is Piglet and Tigger and Rabbit. Ash Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Togepi, and Eeyore.

Eeyore: Thanks for noticing.

Pooh: And I'm Winnie the Pooh. But you can call me Pooh for short.

Oso: We heard you wanna help your family keep from wasting power and water.

Pooh: In other words, from wasting electricity and water.

Addison: Yeah, what do I need to do?

Brock: That's a good question. Paw Pilot, what's the first step that we have to do?

Paw Pilot: Step One - Turn off lights in empty rooms.

Piglet: Wait, I just had a thought bubble.

Pooh, Oso, Addison, and Pooh's team: What?

Piglet: Well, what if someone in the room wants the light to stay on or they just want stay in that room?

Paw Pilot: Here's a tip - If someone is in a room and needs light to see, keep the lights on.

{They all went to the living room}

Pooh: {Looks at the viewers} We need your help on this one. Will you help us?

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Okay, is anyone in this room?

{Addison's dad is setting up something on the table}

Misty: Hmm, how about Addison's father? I mean, he's setting up something on the table.

Addison: Yes, my dad is here, setting up for Game Night.

Misty: Game night? As in, family game night? Interesting.

Pooh: {Looks at the viewers} Should we leave the lights on or turn the lights off? Right, we leave them on because we don't want Game Night to be ruined.

Ash Ketchum: I know another place that has lights in your house. A bedroom. Let's see if anyway in the bedroom.

{They all go by a door to Addison's room}

Brock: Hmm, it's awfully quiet in this room. All I see are toys, her bed, pictures of her family, and a closet.

Oso: No one's in Addison's room, {Looks at the viewers} so should we leave the lights on or turn them off?

Addison: Turn the lights off. {She turns off the light} No more wasting power in my room.

Oso: Thanks. Hey, this is fun.

Pooh: Yeah, it is.

Tigger: Fun? You mean it's kinda like a game?

Pooh: Well, me and Oso can't wait to go to the next room.

Pikachu: {Thinking} Pika. {The bathroom}

Rabbit: Pikachu says this must be the bathroom.

Oso and Pooh: Lights off. {Oso and Pooh turn the light off}

Misty: Guys, I think maybe someone is-

Austin: Hey, what's the big idea?

Pooh: Oops! Sorry, Austin.

Addison: Hee-hee-hee! Oso, Pooh, you both forgot to check if anyone was in the room before switching off the lights.

Oso: Oops, heh-heh! Sorry.

{Oso and Pooh turn the light back on}

Eeyore: Well, we completed the first step. What's the second step, Paw Pilot?

Paw Pilot: Step Two - Turn off faucets not being used.

Brock: Hmm, well how about the bathroom sink faucet?

{They see the sink along with Austin brushing his teeth}

Misty: {Looks at the viewers} I think we need your help on this one.

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Does Addison's big brother need to have the water running while the toothbrush is in his mouth?

Brock: {Looks at the viewers} I'm with the viewers. I'm not so sure it's right.

Addison: Nope, the water's just going straight down the drain. Don't forget to turn off the faucet after you rinse the brush, Austin. We don't want to waste water.

Austin: Oh. {He turns the faucet off} Good idea, thanks.

Rabbit: How about we check the other faucets, everyone?

{They all go to the kitchen sink where the sink isn't running water}

Tigger: {Looks at the viewers} Do you think someone is using the kitchen sink? No. So, do we leave it off or turn it on?

Addison: It should be off, and it is.

Pooh: Okay. Is there anymore faucets, Addison?

Addison: We have one out in the patio. I'll show you.

{They all follow Addison to the patio}

Addison: Everyone, it's dripping.

Piglet: Oh dear.

Tigger: Now I know what it's like if the faucet was like a runny nose.

Paw Pilot: Better close it tight, everyone.

Ash Ketchum and Pooh: Why?

Paw Pilot: Even a little drip can be a big waste.

Eeyore: Yeah, in other words it could be wasting water.

Oso: No problem. {Oso tries to turn it off, but it was stuck} Uh, problem.

Misty: Don't worry. Leave this to me, Togepi, and Addison.

Addison: I'll help.

Togepi: Toge. {Me too}

{Misty, Togepi, and Addison all turned off the leaky faucet}

Addison: We checked all the faucets. {She high fives everyone}

Pooh: Well, that's the second step completed. Paw Pilot, what's next?

Paw Pilot: Now you're up to Step Three - Turn off TVs that aren't being watched.

{They go to a TV with video game music playing}

Misty: I'm pretty sure Austin forgot to turn his game off.

Addison: She's right. Look, everyone, the TV is on, and so is my brother's video game.

Brock: {Looks at the viewers} What do you think?

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Does it look like anyone's playing the video game?

Pooh: {Looks at the viewers} No, I don't think so. Addison, maybe you should Austin before turning off the TV.

Addison: Austin, can I turn off the TV?

Austin: Oh, yeah, thanks, I forgot.

Piglet: It's okay. Sometimes people forget on what they had to do if they're done.

{Addison turns off the video game TV}

Ash Ketchum: Wait, guys. I think hear something else, listen.

Man {On TV}: The American bison was once the most numerous wild mammal on Earth traveling in huge herds. The bison once had a dramatic influence...

Rabbit: {Panicky} There's a bison in the house?! That's even worse than a fly in someone's soup!

Ash Ketchum: {Pretends to be angry} Rabbit, it's a channel! There isn't really a bison in the house! The man's just saying facts about it. But, where in this house is the TV that we are hearing now?

Addison: The whole family is in the living room, so nobody can be watching that TV. Let's turn it off.

Austin: Hurry, Addison. Game Night is gonna start in, like, 15 seconds.

Ash Ketchum: I agree with him on that.

Paw Pilot: They're right, everyone.

{A countdown from 15 to 1 starts}

Paw Pilot: 15...

Oso: I'll handle this one.

Rabbit: Me too.

Paw Pilot: 14...13...

{Oso jet packed while Rabbit just followed him}

Ash Ketchum: Rabbit, stop!

{Rabbit ignored Ash Ketchum}

Paw Pilot: 12...11...10...9...

Rabbit: That must be the remote.

{He tries to press the volume button}

Rabbit: Ow! Too loud! {He turns it down} Hmm, maybe it's this one. {He changes channels on the TV} Whoops. Oso, you do it.

Paw Pilot: 8...7...

{Oso has trouble with the remote}

Ash Ketchum: What's taking them so long?

Paw Pilot: 6...5...

Ash Ketchum: {With Addison} Guys, what's wrong? Oh, Rabbit, did you did this?

Rabbit: {Sarcastically} I'm sorry, Ash Ketchum.

Ash Ketchum: Oso, I think maybe you should press the power button to turn off and point to the TV.

Addison: Yeah, hold up the remote and point it at the TV.

Paw Pilot: 4...

Oso: Hold up the remote and point it.

Paw Pilot: 3...

Ash Ketchum: That's what Dottie told us to do in our exercise. We have to point our remotes to find the hidden tunnel.

Paw Pilot: 2...

{Oso and Rabbit turn the TV off}

Paw Pilot: 1...Assignment complete!

Rabbit: Alright!

Ash Ketchum: {Pretends to be angry} You almost blew it, Rabbit!

Rabbit: {Thinking} Even when I'm focused, he's still angry at me?

Oso: Now we have a training exercise to get to.

Tigger: Addison, can I please take a picture of you? Please?

Addison: Sure.

{Tigger takes Addison's picture}

Brock: Well, let's get going.

{Everyone gets in their cars}

Oso: Seat belt first before you go.

Addison: {Waves goodbye} Thanks for helping us save water and power, Special Agent Oso and Pooh's team. I love you.

Pooh: Aw.

Brock: {Embarrassed} Aw shucks.

Misty: We love you too. Bye.

Oso: It's all part of the plan.

Tigger: More or less.

{They drive their cars away from Addison's house}

Ash Ketchum: This "Pretending to be angry" is really working for Rabbit. Maybe just one more time until we tell him what we were doing to him all this time.

Pooh: Good idea!

{Meanwhile, back at the exercise, everyone was still in their cars}

Eeyore: Here's the place where we all saw the hidden tunnel.

Oso: Yeah, the hidden tunnel's this way. And thanks to Addison and Ash Ketchum, We know we all need to hold up the remotes and point it.

Pooh: Let's all do this as team.

Ash Ketchum: On our marks, get set, point!

{They all pointed their remotes to the hidden tunnel and it was open}

Brock: Here we go!

Pikachu: Pika! {Whee!}

Oso: Yes, we did it.

{Wolfie and Dottie were there and were very impressed}

Wolfie: {Howls} Outstanding.

Dottie: Spot on, everyone. You've all earned your Hidden Tunnel training awards.

{A medal of an Oso silhouette driving a car to a hidden tunnel is shown}

Mr Dos: That's not all you and your friends did today, Oso. Tell them, Paw Pilot.

{Three Special Steps song reprise plays}

Paw Pilot: Your special assignment was a success. Because you followed three special steps. By using the checklist along the way, here are the things you did today.

Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check One!

Paw Pilot: You turned off lights in empty rooms!

Oso: Just a flip of the switch.

Piglet: We only turned lights off when no one is in a room.

Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check Two!

Paw Pilot: You turned off faucets that weren't being used!

Oso: Even a little drip's a big waste.

Tigger: In other words, it would waste water.

Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check Three!

Paw Pilot: You turned off TVs that weren't being watched.

Oso: Just point the remote and click.

Eeyore: There were 2 TVs that needed to be off.

Paw Pilot: And Addison helped her family before Game Night. Your special assignment was a success, you did your three special steps!

{Three Special Steps song reprise ends}

Mr Dos: And for that, you've all earned a special assignment Digi-Medal.

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} You and my friends deserve a Digi-Medal for your and my friends's hard work too.

{The medal shows a lightbulb on and off}

Paw Pilot: This Digi-Medal's for you and Oso's friends.

Tigger: I just want to say that we're glad we all can power down this assignment.

{Oso and the others turn off the viewers's screen at the end}

License to Dress[]

{The episode starts by Rapide near the beach and a boat in the water}

Voice: License to Dress

{Everyone was in fancy suits and dresses}

Misty: Wow! I look so fancy.

Togepi: Toge, toge. {Me too}

Rabbit: Yeah, it's cool.

Ash Ketchum: {Pretends to be angry} Rabbit, I hope you won't make us fail this exercise.

Rabbit: Whatever. I'm still gonna try my best.

Wolfie: Everyone, for today's training exercise, you all need to put your scuba gear on over your tuxedo. And then swim over to the boat for a fancy party.

Tigger: Ooh, a party.

Oso: No problem.

Piglet: This I gotta see and try.

Rabbit: Aw, why can't you let us use boats instead of swimming, Wolfie?

Ash Ketchum: {Pretends to be angry} Rabbit, just get over it! Anyway, the boats are for cheating. And agents don't cheat!

Rabbit: {Groans} Fine.

Tigger: Well, how are we suppose to keep our tuxes and dresses all nice and dry, Wolfie?

Wolfie: Now pay attention, everyone. In order for your tuxedos, suits, and dresses to stay dry, you all must zip the zippers on your wet suits before going in the water.

Pooh: Sounds like a plan, Wolfie.

Wolfie: Good luck, everyone. And there's also gonna be a judge to see how well you do in the exercise.

Pooh: That's sound brilliant!

Brock: But we need to find our snorkels. {Looks at the viewers} We need your help on this one.

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} A snorkel looks like a big straw. We use it to breathe underwater. Do you see them anywhere?

{They were snorkels and masks next to rock climbing helmets and space helmets}

Oso: Oh, there it is.

Pooh: {Looks at the viewers} Thanks for your help.

{They get their snorkels and masks}

Oso: Now we're ready for our training exercise. But first, which 2 of you guys are going to find the kid?

Tigger: I'll go for this one.

Pikachu: Pika pik. {Same to me}

Oso: Okay, Tigger and Pikachu, here's the paper.

{He gives the paper to Tigger and Pikachu}

Tigger: Let's do some teleporting.

{Tigger and Pikachu press their buttons and were off to find the kid}

Ash Ketchum: Let's get into our wet suits.

{Everyone got their wet suits and were about to go in the water but they left Rabbit behind}

Rabbit: {Shouts angrily} Guys, why aren't you helping me?

Ash Ketchum: It's like a Botch or Watch, like from before.

Pooh: Yeah, all we can do is watch you botch.

Rabbit: {Yells} You two are the worst! If I were you guys, I would just let our tuxes and dresses that the wet suits are on over let it be.

Ash Ketchum: I don't know what that means, but we'll try taking your advice. {Pretends to be angry} But I'm worried it may not work! Because you always get us into trouble!

Misty: This way, guys! To the boat!

{Tigger and Pikachu got teleported by the outside of a brick house}

Tigger: Well, this paper says we have to find a boy named Frank. He has short brown hair, brown eyes, blue pajamas. It also says when he's getting ready for school, he wears an orange shirt with yellow short sleeves and brown pants.

{They go by a window and see Frank}

Pikachu: Pika pik pika. {That's must be him}

Tigger: You could be right, Pikachu.

Frank: Can I wear this to school, Mom?

Frank's mom: Sure, Frank, I'll help you get dressed.

Frank: No, thanks. Today, I wanna get dressed all by myself.

Frank's mom: Oh, that's great.

Tigger: {Tells Pikachu} Well, he is getting older. So, I guess that's fine.

Frank's mom: But please dress quickly, it's almost time to leave for school.

{She pats Frank in the head}

Tigger: Well, let's see how he'll do it.

{Frank hangs the pants by the mirror and takes off the shirt from the hanger and his pajama tops}

Tigger: Um, this doesn't look right.

Frank: I wanna get dressed all by myself, but I just don't know how.

Tigger: Time for the Shutterbug to do his signaling.

{Tigger and Pikachu press the button and Shutterbug was summoned as he aimed at Frank}

Tigger: Do your thing, Shutterbug!

{Shutterbug sends the message to the satellite which then sends the signal to where Oso and the others}

{Meanwhile, back at the exercise}

Pooh: Look, guys! There's the boat!

{Everyone was swimming in their wet suits as they got closer to the boat}

Misty: This is gonna be easy.

{Everyone got outta of the water and climb the boat's steps to the boat}

Ash Ketchum: There's the mysterious judge.

{The judge had a hat, shades, white bandana over the lips, and a special training exercise judge's suit}

Rabbit: Guys, do you hear something?

{They heard a muffled chiming sound}

Paw Pilot: Special Alert! Special Alert!

Oso: Okay, Paw Pilot. Where are you?

{They checked their wet suits}

Pooh: Don't worry, guys. She's on Oso's tux. We should take our wet suits off as well.

{As they took off their wet suits, their tuxes, suits, and dresses were soaking wet}

Misty: My dress!

Ash Ketchum: My tuxedo!

Brock: My suit!

{Paw Pilot was frowning while using wipers to wipe off the water}

Pooh: That wasn't suppose to happen.

Brock: Uh, did we pass?

{The judge gave a thumbs down}

Tigger: You mean, we failed?! Rabbit's advice didn't make us get to the winning circle?!

Rabbit: What winning circle? There is no winning circle.

Pooh: There is always a winning circle.

Oso: Oh.

Misty: {Pretends to be angry} Great! So Rabbit's advice turn out to be a bum steer.

Rabbit: Um, no! It's was only supposed to be a work of art.

Ash Ketchum: {Pretends to be angry} No, Rabbit! It's a work of failure!

Rabbit: {Argues} You know what? Your like a joy vampire! You {Pretends to slurp} suck the joy out of every idea I use!

Piglet: Well, I know that Wolfie told us to do something to keep our tuxes and suits clean, but we're not sure what.

Brock: Maybe we should try-

{Brock was about to zip up his zipper, until}

Mr Dos: Special Agent Oso, Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore, Ash Ketchum, Misty, Togepi, Brock. Mr Dos here. There's an urgent matter that needs addressing.

Tigger: {On speaker} Let me and Pikachu that the assignment is something you will definitely all dressed up.

Mr Dos: He's right. Frank wants to get dressed all by himself, but he doesn't know how. Your special assignment - Help Frank get dressed.

Pooh: That sounds like a very good plan.

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} But we could use some help. Will you help us with this special assignment? OK!

Ash Ketchum: What special steps are for this assignment, Paw Pilot?

{Three Special Steps song plays}

Paw Pilot: Three special steps, that's all you need. Three special steps, and you'll succeed. Your special assignment is starting now, and three special steps will show you how.

Backup singers: Step One!

Paw Pilot: Put on a shirt.

Backup singers: Step Two!

Paw Pilot: Put on pants.

Backup singers: Put on socks and shoes. Three special steps, so now you'll know. Three special steps, and you're ready to go. The checklist has all the steps you need, just follow them all and you will succeed with three special steps.

{Three Special Steps song ends}

Brock: That song is one I never want to get rid of.

Mr Dos: Hurry, everyone. Frank must leave for school soon.

Piglet: We're on our way. Whirly Bird, can you please give us a lift?

Whirly Bird: {Carries Oso and the others} Going up.

{Whirly Bird carries them out of the boat and into the sky}

Piglet: What's the codename for this special assignment, Paw Pilot?

Paw Pilot: Codename: License to Dress

{License to Dress song plays}

Paw Pilot: Get yourself dressed every day. Just put on your clothes, that's the way. Now that you look, your very best. You've earned your license to dress.

{License to Dress song ends}

Pooh: Cool background. It was funny how the socks were on the boy's hands.

Eeyore: I never realized that the boy wears a hat. We didn't see him wearing a hat in Mr Dos's picture.

Oso: Thanks, Paw Pilot.

Piglet: Special Assignment, License to Dress.

Oso and Piglet: Accepted!

{Meanwhile, back in the house}

Tigger: I sure hope they get here.

Pikachu: Pika. {Me too}

Frank: Ungh! Mom!

{Whirly Bird honks}

Tigger: What's that sound?

Whirly Bird: Happy landings, Oso and his friends.

Tigger: It's Oso and Pooh's team.

Pikachu: Pikachu. {It is them!}

{Tigger and Pikachu came down from the window as Oso and the others parachuted down with their suits}

Frank: {Gasps}

{Frank comes down the stairs and opens the door}

Frank: Special Agent Oso?

Oso: That's me.

Frank: Are you and your friends on a special assignment?

Pooh: Indeed we are, Frank.

Frank: Well, who are you guys?

Pooh: Well this is Piglet and Tigger and Rabbit. Pikachu, Togepi, Brock, Misty, Ash Ketchum, and Eeyore.

Eeyore: Thanks for noticing.

Pooh: And I'm Winnie the Pooh. But you can call me Pooh for short.

Oso: We're all here to help you get dressed. And get ourselves dressed too.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, because a certain someone's {Glares at Rabbit} advice made us failed.

Rabbit: Whatever.

Frank: Wow, cool.

{Everyone carries their clothes to Frank's room}

Brock: Paw Pilot, what's the first step we have to do?

Paw Pilot: Step One - Put on a shirt.

Oso: Sounds easy enough. Watch me, everyone.

{He puts Paw Pilot on his white buttoned shirt, takes his vest off, and puts his white shirt on backwards}

Misty: Um, I'm not sure it sounded easy for you, Oso.

Frank: Yeah, Misty's right, I'm not sure if that's right, Oso.

Oso: Hmm. Ungh. I'm not sure it's right either. {Looks at the viewers} Does it look right to you? What do you think is wrong?

Pooh: {Looks at the viewers} You're right. Oso, your shirt is on backwards.

{Oso takes off his buttoned shirt}

Piglet: I have a question. How can Oso know which side of his shirt is the front and which side is the back?

Frank: Piglet, Oso just has to find the tag.

Brock: You mean, the thing that kinda looks like a little piece of paper on the back of the shirt?

{Everyone sees tags on their shirts}

Oso: Well, we found the tags.

Eeyore: {Looks at the viewers} We need your help. Should these tags go in the front or in the back?

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} The tags go in the back. Thanks.

{Everyone puts on their shirts in the front}

Pooh: We did it, everyone.

Frank: But how do we button the buttons?

Tigger: Yeah, how? Paw Pilot?

Paw Pilot: Just push the button through the buttonhole.

{Everyone tries pushing their buttons through their buttonholes}

Oso: Push the button through the hole. Now we get it. Thanks.

Pooh: Yeah, let's do it.

{Everyone finishes their buttoning}

Frank: I did it too.

Paw Pilot: Great work, everyone. Check One.

Frank's mom: Hey, Frank, how's it going in here?

Frank: Great, Mom. Special Agent Oso and Pooh and his team are helping me learn how to get dressed all by myself.

Frank's mom: Hello, Oso and Pooh and his team.

Oso: Hi, Frank's mom.

Brock: {Lovestruck} Ooh, I must say I think I really-

Misty: {Pulls Brock's ear} Watch it, Brock! You're still doing this again.

Ash Ketchum: What's the second step, Paw Pilot?

Paw Pilot: Step Two - Put on pants.

Misty: This ain't too hard.

{Everyone puts on their pants, but Oso stumbled and fall after putting on his pants}

Rabbit: Oso, are you okay?

{Oso gets back up}

Tigger: From the looks of things, something's not right with your pants, Oso.

Oso: You're right. Well, something's not quite right. {Looks at the viewers} What's wrong with how I put on my pants?

Frank: {Chuckles} Oso, you put both legs in one pant leg. Look, I and Pooh's team have our pants on right.

Oso: Oh, I see. Let me try again.

{Oso takes one leg off of the pant leg, puts it in the other pant leg, and leaves the other leg in the other pant leg}

Oso: Ungh. Well, that's better. Now I just button the button.

{Oso buttons up his pants button}

Oso: And I'm done. Paw Pilot, what's the next special step?

Misty: Wait a minute, Oso.

Frank: You haven't finished this step yet.

Oso: I haven't? But I buttoned the button. {Looks at the viewers} What did I forget to do?

Misty: {Looks at the viewers} Right! Oso, you forgot the zipper.

Frank: Yeah, you forgot to zip up the zipper on your pants.

Oso: Zip up the zipper. That's what Wolfie told us to do too.

Eeyore: We have to zip our zippers up on our wet suits before going in the water.

{Oso zipped up his pants and so did everyone else}

Oso: Got it.

Paw Pilot: You put on your pants. Check Two.

Frank's mom: Great job, guys. Frank, I'm gonna make your lunch. Remember, we're leaving for school soon.

Pooh: I guess this means we have to hurry and finish the last step. What is the last step anyone, Paw Pilot?

Paw Pilot: Step Three - Put on your socks and shoes. Here's a tip - The round part of the sock goes over your heel, and the seam goes across your toes.

Frank: Got it.

Oso: Me too.

Pooh: Us three.

{Pikachu and Togepi nod in agreement}

{Everyone got their shoes and socks off the bed}

Pooh: First, socks.

{Everyone puts their socks on}

Oso: Now for the shoes.

{Frank had trouble with his shoes and felt worried}

Frank: Everyone, which shoe goes on which foot?

Oso: Uhh, good question.

Pooh: Can you give us any advice, Paw Pilot?

Paw Pilot: You'll all know the shoe is on the correct foot if it matches the shape of your foot.

Tigger: Now I get the picture.

Ash Ketchum: Assignment alert! Assignment alert!

Pikachu: Pika! Pika! {Alert! Alert!}

Brock: What is it?

Frank's mom: Frank, it's almost time to leave.

Ash Ketchum: We have to put out shoes on and quickly!

Paw Pilot: He's right, Oso. Frank needs to leave for school in 8 seconds.

{A countdown from 8 to 1 starts}

Paw Pilot: 8...

Oso: We all better figure out which shoes goes on which foot.

Paw Pilot: 7...

Pooh: {He picks up a shoe and looks at the viewers} Does this shoe go in the right foot or the left foot?

Paw Pilot: 6...

Pooh: {Looks at the viewers} Good. The left foot.

{He puts the shoe on Frank's left foot}

Paw Pilot: 5...

Pooh: {Looks at the viewers} So where does the other shoe go?

Paw Pilot: 4...

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} The right foot. Yes.

{Oso and Pooh put the shoe on Frank's right foot}

Eeyore: Now let's put our shoes on.

{They all put their shoes on}

Paw Pilot: 3...2...1...Assignment complete!

Frank's mom: You did it, Frank. Great job.

FranK: Thanks for all your help, everyone.

Oso: You're welcome.

Pooh: No problem.

Tigger: May I please take a picture of you, Frank, before you go to school?

Frank: Sure.

{Tigger takes Frank's picture}

Oso: Now if you excuse us, we need to zip up our training exercise.

Pooh and his team: Bye, Frank!

Frank: Bye, Oso. Bye, Pooh and his team.

{Meanwhile, back at the exercise}

Pooh: Thanks to what Frank and Misty told us about zipping up our zippers, we all know that we have to zip our zippers up our wet suits before going in the water.

{Ash Ketchum looks at Rabbit pretendedly furious}

Rabbit: What?!

Ash Ketchum: I'm just making sure you won't make us fail again because if you do, I'll go over to you and push you in the water and make your suit wet again.

Pooh: Now, let's all zip up our zippers.

{They all zip up their zippers in their wet suits}

Pooh and his team: To the water!

{They swam and swam up to the boat}

Misty: And there's the boat!

{They came out of the water, up the steps, and saw Wolfie and Dottie clinking their drinks with the mysterious judge}

Dottie: {Giggles} Hey there, Oso and Pooh's team.

Brock: Cross our fingers for this.

{They unzip their wet suits and their tuxes, suits, and dresses were still dry}

Oso: Look at that. We swam across the lagoon, but our tuxes, suits, and dresses are still dry.

{The mysterious judge gave them a thumbs up}

Dottie: Spot on, everyone.

Wolfie: {Howls} Outstanding. You've all earned your Tuxedo Swimming training awards.

{A medal of an Oso silhouette zipping up his wet suit is shown}

Ash Ketchum: Awesome! But I had one question.

Wolfie: What's that, Ash Ketchum?

Ash Ketchum: Who is the mysterious judge that gave us a thumbs down on the first try and a thumbs up on the second try?

Dottie: Well, I think you'll be really surprised who the judge was. Judge, please reveal yourself.

{The judge nodded and took off her hat, shades, bandana over her mouth, and judge suit and was revealed to be Delia Ketchum, Ash's mom}

Ash Ketchum: {Gasps in excitement}

Misty: {Happily} Oh my goodness!

Ash Ketchum: {In excitement} Mom?!

Delia Ketchum: Hey, Ash. I'm so proud of you. {Whispers} And I even like the idea of pretending to be mad with Rabbit. You and I remembered a special present for everyone. Tell them, Ash.

Ash Ketchum: Okay. Guys, me and my mom have an announcement to make. We found a way to make us still see our Digi-Medals and training awards. But, we will show it to you right after the song reprise.

Oso: Hmm, okay. Mr Dos?

Mr Dos: That's not all you and your friends done today, Oso. Tell them, Paw Pilot.

{Three Special Steps song reprise plays}

Paw Pilot: Your special assignment was a success. Because you followed three special steps. By using the checklist along the way, here are the things you did today.

Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check One!

Paw Pilot: You put on your shirts!

Oso: The tag goes in the back.

Rabbit: We even button our buttons.

Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check Two!

Paw Pilot: You put on your pants!

Oso: We buttoned and zipped them too.

Pooh: We put both legs in two pant legs.

Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check Three!

Paw Pilot: You put on your socks and shoes!

Oso: The shoes match the shape of your foot.

Brock: The round part is for your heel, while the seam goes across your toes.

Paw Pilot: And Frank got dressed just in time for school. Your special assignment was a success, you did your three special steps!

{Three Special Steps song reprise ends}

Mr Dos: And for that, you've all earn a special assignment Digi-Medal.

Oso: {Looks at the viewers} You and my friends deserve a Digi-Medal for my friends's and your hard work too.

{The medal shows a kid with three sets of clothing}

Paw Pilot: This Digi-Medal's for you and Oso's friends.

Ash Ketchum: Here comes the surprise.

{He pressed a button right next to his teleportation button and all the Digi-Medals and training awards stick to Pooh's team and even Oso}

Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore, and Rabbit: Ohhhh.

Misty: Cool!

Togepi: Toge! {Wow!}

Brock: One side for Digi-Medals and one for training awards.

Tigger: Guys, Ash, Delia, Oso, huddle in.

{Everyone came in the huddle except for Rabbit}

Tigger: I'm beginning to think that if we end up being mad with Rabbit after everything that happen. The fighting, the arguing, the bunny distraction, and now the failed advice that Rabbit made us fail.

Pooh: Yeah, I think on the next exercise we should tell Rabbit what we were doing to him.

Brock: Okay. Break. {They high five and break the huddle}

Dottie: Care for something drink, everyone?

Oso: Water, please. Fizzy, not flat.

Misty: Do you have tropical punch?

Wolfie: Yes. How many?

Misty: 2 blue for me and Togepi, 1 orange for Tigger, 2 pink for Ash Ketchum and Delia, and 6 red for the others.

Wolfie: Help yourselves.

Delia Ketchum: Me and Ash want to say this.

Ash Ketchum: Here's to another assignment zipping by.

{They clinked and drank their drinks as the camera zooms out of the boat at the end}


{Three colored cards appear}

Tigger: Hello there!

Brock: Hi, everyone. Me, Tigger, and Paw Pilot have a game for you.

Paw Pilot: Can you remember which card has the light switch? Take a good look at the cards.

{Three cards blink one at a time}

Paw Pilot: Now shuffle.

{The cards shuffle}

Paw Pilot: Is this card the light switch? {The blue card appears and flips it over}

Tigger: Nope. That's a shirt. That's what we and Frank had to wear on the first step of getting dressed.

Paw Pilot: Is it this card? {The yellow card appears and flips it over} Yes, you found the light switch.

Brock: Yeah. That was one thing we had to turn off to help Addison not waste power. Let's see what was in the red card. {The red card flips it over}

Paw Pilot: And here's Oso.

Tigger: In his tuxedo. That was what we wore to earn our Tuxedo Swimming training awards.

{Paw Pilot, Tigger, and Brock appear}

Paw Pilot: Great work.

Tigger: Wonderful!

Brock: Good game! Bye-bye!

Dr. Off/License to Dress Transcript (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.