ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (2024)

Thousands of Memphians are falling victim to auto theft. Memphis Police will not share how many cases they have solved or how many arrests have been made.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Picture this: It’s a busy morning. You’re rushing out the door. You grab your keys and go outside, but you cannot find your car. Then, you panic.

You look left, right, then on the ground and all you see is shattered glass.

That’s when you realize someone stole your car.

Meet Ehlana Duett

Thousands of Memphians are falling victim to car theft. For Ehlana Duett, it’s happened not once, but twice. She wants Memphis Police to do something about it.

Duett finally has her car back. Months ago, thieves stole the vehicle from her Berclair neighborhood and dumped it.

"I've been driving with plastic and tape on my back window for a little while, since July," Duett said about her Hyundai Elantra, one of the most commonly stolen cars in 2023. “I'm still using a phone charger to turn my car on and off.”

ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (1) ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (2)

Credit: WATN ABC24

As a single mom, Duett said she cannot afford to get her car fixed, again.

“It was about $2,000 the first time,” she said. “I can’t do that.”

For now, driving this car is her only option.

“If I don’t have a car, I can’t pay bills; I can’t take care of my kid,” said Duett. “That leads to homelessness or me losing my child. It’s a domino effect, instead of just one thing.”

ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (3) ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (4)

Credit: WATN ABC24

Memphis Police report an increase in stolen cars in 2023

Duett is one of thousands of victims. In 2023, the Memphis Police Department (MPD) reports more than 12,000 cars were stolen in Memphis. That’s more than 30 cars per day.

RELATED: Memphis Police say more than 7,000 cars stolen in Memphis in 2023, doubling last year's mid-year total

This year, according to Memphis Police, as of February 27, 378 cars were stolen compared to 542 in February 2023. That’s a 30% decrease.

“It feels like they just aren’t prepared to help this many people,” said Duett.

Months after Memphis Police opened her case, Duett still has no idea who stole her car. She’s concerned that police aren’t even looking for the people responsible.

“It’s so frustrating,” said Duett. “I can’t go out and do police work.”

RELATED: Memphians are tired of their cars getting stolen and broken into

Frustrated with the lack of answers, Duett did some investigating on her own to help MPD, starting with a canvas of her neighborhood.

“We went and talked to all of the neighbors and got camera footage from their cameras,” she said.

Duett collected ring doorbell footage of the thieves stealing her car. Still, according to Duett, police never asked to see the video.

“They were just dismissive,” said Duett. “They're like, ‘Well, you're going to have to wait for a detective to call you.’ I never got a call.”

ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (5) ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (6)

Credit: WATN ABC24

Searching for answers

After seeing Duett’s story on social media, ABC24 started digging to learn how MPD investigates car thefts, starting with the department’s policy and procedures manual.

ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (7) ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (8)

Credit: WATN ABC24

In a 700-page document, there’s only one page on stolen vehicles. In two paragraphs, it explains how to get your stolen car from the impound lot.

The ABC24 team called MPD twice for an interview, but no one from the department would not set a date or time to speak with our team on or off-camera. We even asked five times through emails.

MPD: 'There are not documents that exist'

Our team is seeking answers. We want to know how many stolen car cases MPD solved in 2023 and how many arrests were made.

Since we couldn’t get an interview, we filed two open records requests for those numbers. Both were denied within hours or minutes.

The City of Memphis Public Records Office wrote, "Your request is not specific enough.”

View the documents here:

When we asked Memphis Police why we couldn’t get the number of cases solved or arrests, a spokesperson emailed back: “There are not documents that exist that provide the additional information that you are seeking.”

Duett said she was in shock.

“It’s ridiculous, honestly,” she said. “I understand theft happens. Crime happens, but the least you could do is... do your best.”

That leaves people, like Duett, in the dark about their cases. For now, Duett is saving her money for another round of car repairs and still waiting for help.

Holding leaders accountable

Memphis Police report, in 2023, officers held multiple steering wheel lock giveaways at every precinct. The department reports officers gave out 13,900 steering wheel locks to drivers in Memphis.

RELATED: Memphis Police give out 700 steering wheel locks as car thefts surge

Victims like Duett believe that’s a start, but it’s not enough.

Our team is pushing for answers from Memphis Police and the District Attorney’s Office.

We have asked for the number of auto theft cases they took to court last year.

It has been four weeks, and the DA’s office hasn’t shared those numbers either. We filed an open records request for that data on Feb. 27, and we’re waiting to receive that information.

We want to hear from you

ABC24 is seeking solutions to hold our leaders accountable, and we need your help.

If this has happened to you, we want to talk to you. Text the word "CAR THEFT" to 901-321-7520. A member of our team will reach out to you directly.

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ABC24 investigates stolen cars, victims looking for help (2024)


How do you know if your car is being targeted? ›

If you discover unexplained damage to your car, such as broken windows, damaged locks, or signs of forced entry, without any obvious cause like an accident or vandalism, it may indicate that thieves have attempted to or successfully gained access to your vehicle.

What happens to most cars that are stolen? ›

High Demand for Parts. Stolen cars are often stripped for valuable parts or sold for their components, which can be more lucrative than selling the entire vehicle.

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Lock your doors

Keeping your doors locked is the first step in deterring a thief. It's good to get into the habit of checking your car doors. Never leave your keys in the ignition, says the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). If your key is in the car, a thief can simply break a window and drive off.

What is the number one theft deterrent? ›

1. Home Security Cameras. Our best deterrent for burglars is the presence of an outdoor security camera. Having cameras mounted around your exterior home is a great way to prevent burglars from entering your home!

What is the most theft proof car? ›

According to the IIHS, electric vehicles (EVs) are less likely to be stolen. This could be because EVs are usually parked in well-lit and secure areas for charging. According to theft claims, the Tesla Model 3 with dual motors had the lowest frequency of whole vehicle thefts. The Tesla Model Y came in second place.

Do steering wheel locks really prevent theft? ›

So while using a steering wheel lock cannot be a guarantee that your car won't be stolen, it puts up another hurdle that only the most determined of criminals will be willing to surmount. It might just be the thing that causes thieves to pass your car by and move on to another.

Do car thieves ever get caught? ›

Police solve only a fraction of cases

A CBS News analysis of police data from more than a dozen U.S. cities found nearly all of car theft cases go unsolved.

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Of the 198,538 vehicles stolen statewide in 2022, 86.7 percent were successfully recovered, representing 172,083 recovered vehicles.

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Deliberate scratches on a car's surface represent a more overt yet effective marking method employed by thieves to signal vulnerability. Unlike discreet chalk or marker pen markings, scratches are visible and draw attention to the targeted vehicle.

What do most thieves do with stolen cars? ›

Cars are generally stolen for one of three purposes: (1) for temporary transportation, such as use in another crime or for "joyriding"; (2) to strip the car of its valuable parts for resale; (3) to re-sell it, often disguised as a legitimate car.

Which keyless cars are most stolen? ›

The Ford Fiesta holds the unwanted title of being the most stolen car, with almost 6,000 being taken last year, according to the DVLA. Telegraph Money delves into why keyless cars are an easy target, and the eight steps you can take to beef up security on your vehicle.

Do anti-theft devices for cars work? ›

If your car's equipped with an anti-theft device, it's less likely to fall victim to car theft. Not only that, in the case that your car is stolen, there's a higher chance that your car will be recovered if it's equipped with an anti-theft device.

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Some of the most common retail theft prevention methods for small businesses are to station customer checkouts near the entrance/exit, position mirrors and security cameras or CCTVs within the premises, and post signages about the consequences of theft.


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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.