10 Things You Didn’t Know about Coco Rebecca Edogamhe (2025)

by Camille Moore

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Coco Rebecca Edogamhe (1)

Acting is the type of profession that requires resilience. In order to be successful, you have to be willing to hear the word ‘no’ countless times, and keep moving forward anyway. Even when you do hear a ‘yes’, it might not do anything good for your career. Fortunately for Coco Rebecca Edogamhe, her first yes has truly been a game changer. Edogamhe was cast as the title character in a new Italian Netflix series called Summertime. The show hasn’t gone viral yet, but it might just be the next European Netflix show to gain popularity in the United States – and Coco has a lot to do with that.Here are 10 things you didn’t know about Coco Rebecca Edogamhe.

1. She’s Signed To An Italian Talent Agency

There are plenty of actors who have managed to have successful careers without the help of an agent or manager. However, not having either one of those things can definitely make it more challenging to find auditions and get chosen for roles. Fortunately for Coco, she is signed to the successful Italian agency, Volver.

2. She’s Only 18

By now, we’re all used to the fact that most people who plan teenagers on TV usually aren’t teenagers. In fact, there are some shows that use actors in their early to mid 30s as teenagers. That isn’t the case with Summertime, though. Coco is a teenager in real life just like her character, Summer.

3. Her Performance In Summertime Is Already Getting Good Reviews

The Internet literally never sleeps. Summertime was just released today (April 29) and people are already posting reviews and opinions about the show. The show itself has gotten some mixed reviews, but so far people seem to be a fan of Coco’s performance. As more people continue to watch the show, Coco will definitely be seeing an increase in her social media following.

4. She Has A Close Relationship With Her Sister

Coco seems to be a family oriented person, and she has a good relationship with her younger sister, Alicia. Coco has an entire highlight section on her Instagram dedicated to photos and videos of she and her sister spending time together. In addition to being sisters, Alicia and Coco are coworkers. Alicia also has a role in Summertime.

5. She Is Similar To Summer

When an actor takes on a role, one of the first things viewers want to know is whether there are any real life similarities between the actor and the character they’re playing. In Coco’s case, the answer is yes. She told Giornale ismo, ” A character similar to you can be a challenge because you get involved so much and you have to relate to yourself. Summer and I are similar, from a certain point of view I had no difficulties but it was also difficult to deal with personal aspects that we have in common.”

6. She Lives In Bologna

Currently, Coco lives in the city of Bologna where she was born and raised. Coco’s mother is from Lecce, Italy and her father is from Nigeria. Growing up, she had to deal with some negative comments about her mixed background, but says that things have gotten much better.

7. She Misses Being Able To Go On Walks

Like most people, Coco is currently spending lots of time in the house due to restrictions about being out in public. Although she’s trying to make the most of the situation, she says the thing she misses is being able to go outside and walk around.

8. She’s A Model

It’s unclear whether or not Coco actually has any professional modeling experience, but she definitely has what it takes. The rising star is a natural in front of the camera and she enjoys taking and posting pictures of herself on social media.

9. She Speaks English

It doesn’t look like Coco has put her English skills on public display, but judging by her Instagram posts, she at least speaks a little bit of the language. Being able to speak English is something that can help Coco reach new heights in her acting career. It’ll open doors for international projects and help her reach wider audiences.

10. She Thinks The Diversity In Summertime Is Important

Coco Rebecca Edogamhe probably didn’t grow up seeing a lot of people on TV who look like her. As a result, she understands the importance of representation. She told Sorrisi, “For me it’s really important because it’s the representation of normality. “Now I’m a little scared because I can imagine some of the comments when the series comes out, but we are all different and it is right that those realities that normally do not have a voice are represented.”

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Camille Moore

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Camille has a master's degree from Saint Joseph University's Writing Studies program, and she currently works as the Writing Center Assistant Director at a small university in western Pennsylvania. Camille's writing has been published on several websites, and she enjoys writing articles and short stories in her spare time. You can follow Camille on Twitter @CamealAshley.

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Coco Rebecca Edogamhe (2025)


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